About us

Art Alexander

Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Consultant

Art has been in the people business for over 25 years as a speaker, trainer, consultant and sales professional. His experience in the “Real World”, has given him a breadth of knowledge that allows him to bring practical insights and tools to those he helps. As President of Art Alexander & Associates and Mountain Communications Training his passion is helping people face the mountains they encounter in their professional and personal lives. Known as a motivating and captivating speaker, Art takes his audience on a journey to higher ground, where the view is clear and to be shared.

His down to earth, practical keynote sessions, along with the use of Internationally acclaimed assessment tools, has inspired both young and old alike to climb their highest mountains. 

Art has been awarded many top honours in the speaking industry and sales arena; in which he knows what “life in the trenches” is all about.”

Art is a past Board member of the Winnipeg Chapter of CAPS (Canadian Association of Professional Speakers). As an active participant in the business community Art has been able to develop strategic alliances with industry leaders which have been advantageous to his speaking and consulting clients. 

As a Certified International Trainer with the John Maxwell Team, Art brings to organizations lessons on leadership and sales that have been successfully shared and implement worldwide.

                                        Email me for your Free outline on Speaker Insights 

Contact Art today.  204-782-4097  art@artalexander.ca